Feedack twenty-five

bubble soccer footballGabriel for bubble footbal USA 2015-12-22_副本

Hi Jason,

I hope you are doing well. The bubble balls you sent us are doing very well.
I would like to get a bid for more bumper balls. It would be bid out with the same exact specifcations as last time:
  • larger shoulder strap mounts
  • cross chest strap
  • logo [make sure we have white outline around logo this time!]
  • color side panels
We are looking for:
3 red 1.5m 0.7mmTPU bubble balls
3 blue 1.5m 0.7mmTPU bubble balls
5 red 1.2m 0.7mmTPU bubble balls
5 blue 1.2m 0.7mmTPU bubble balls
Please include 4 blowers. Ship FedEx.
Please include what the realistic timelines would be for shipment.